I’m back from a week in Portland where I teamed up with Rachael Rapinoe to present on the Darfur United Soccer Academy. This last week in Portland is truly my motivation for today and the week ahead. Rachael and I had the opportunity to present to High Schools, organizations, companies, young entrepreneurs, curious friends, and members of the Never Again Coalition. We were constantly on the go, and it felt like we were talking about the Academy all day, every day, to anybody who would listen.
It was so great to be able to share i-ACT’s work. To talk about Guisma and her story, to talk about the coaches, the players, to show pictures and videos of our friends in camp Djabal, and to get people inspired to be a part of the Darfur United movement. Beyond sharing the mission and the program, I learned so much from each audience and each person we presented to. The excitement from those who listened was heartening, but it was the questions, the suggestions, the feedback, the willingness to get involved and help promote the Academy that was humbling and well… so motivating!
To see and hear people from all walks of life and all ages, want to get involved and support the Darfuri refugees and their opportunity to play and move, is a reminder of how sports can connect us all, and how many people are seeking opportunities to connect with people in other parts of the world, no matter how isolated like the Darfuri refugees.
So thank you to all who made our presentations happen! Thank you for welcoming us and being a part of Darfur United!
Until next time Portland.