Breakfast time with Darfur United! Lots of fruits to choose from. Photo: Gabriel Stauring / i-ACT
Many of you following the team’s journey might wonder what the its daily schedule is like here in Ostersund for the World Football Cup.
On match days, like today, the players are on a pretty tight schedule. They’re up quite early for breakfast here at the hotel. Food is offered in buffet style. You can imagine, the players are piling food on their plate, figuring out what they like, what they don’t like, not always sure of what they’re eating. Its great to walk down the buffet line with them, as they point and question everything!
Breakfast is then followed by a team meeting. The coaches go over strategy, positions, tips, things to improve and of course, some inspiration.
Before and after the match, the players have downtime at the hotel. Some stay in their room, napping, watching TV, and taking pictures. Others sit outside on the hotel’s front patio. At some point throughout the day, most all players make a visit to Dr. Alex in her hotel room, the team “hospital.” They are getting really bruised and banged up during these matches, so there is always a player in her room. Having Athletic Trainer Alex here is a really special and critical aspect in not only taking care of them physically, but in making them feel like athletes.
Later in the day, after they’ve played, the guys shower up, rest and head to dinner. Last night we took the team to watch Ellan Vannin (Isle of Man) play their first match. But besides that, evenings are for rest and relaxation on match days. True athletes. Lots of eating, resting and preparing.
However, for the next two days the team is off, so we’ll have the opportunity to take them on some cultural activities around Ostersund! Can’t wait to experience that with them. Stay tuned, I know we’ll have some great moments, pictures and stories!
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