by Gabriel | Feb 23, 2014
Bashir and Bashar love football (soccer) and are members of the Darfur United Soccer Academy at refugee camp Djabal. Adam is a teacher and ex-refugee that came back from Darfur to meet i-ACT’s Gabriel for a few days. Adam and Hassan, another teacher, took on...
by Katie-Jay | Feb 20, 2014
Editor’s Notes: Originally posted by Gabriel Stauring on No matter how tiring and stressful a day might have been, it will always be considered a good day—if it also included meeting up with Adam. I woke up before 4am and had to get mentally ready...
by Sara-Christine | Oct 25, 2013
Editor’s Note: This post, written by Sara-Christine Dallain originally appeared on Today was a mix of emotions, and it was a day that gave me inspiration for our work from very different sources. First, due to the Little Ripples teachers, the...