caught up with iACT director of programs caught up with iACT director of programs

What is the impact of the Beyond Sport Awards? 15 October 2015, Paul Hunt This article was originally written by Paul Hunt and published on Sports and Development news.  Why apply for a Beyond Sport Award? The Darfur United Soccer Academy, winner of the 2014 Sport for...


Next week, members of the i-ACT team depart for Darfur refugee camps to help teach #tools4peace through Darfur United and Little Ripples. Our team will be Gabriel Stauring, i-ACT Project Coordinator Sara-Christine Dallain, and Darfur United Coach Ambassador Rachael Rapinoe. Be part of this exciting journey! Follow along on our trip blog here. We will also be posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Follow, reply, and comment by using the hashtag #tools4peace.