by Rachael Rapinoe | Jun 5, 2014
The three dots at the end of this heading are imperative to include in this blog. Reasons to follow. For those of you who have never observed a Darfuri futbol game in the refugee camps or training session out here in Osterstund, Sweden, it is quite a unique and...
by Rachael Rapinoe | Jun 5, 2014
I’ve been fortunate enough to coach soccer to many different age groups, competitive levels, males and females and various regions of the world, however I most certainly have never coached Darfuri men. Before embarking on this trip as an assistant coach for Darfur...
by Sara-Christine | Jun 4, 2014
“The ball is small, but the meaning is much bigger,” is what Darfur United goalie Ismail said to a Japanese journalist this morning during his interview. He was describing what participating in World Football Cup meant to him. There’s something special about...