On the Darfur United Menu

On the Darfur United Menu

Apples, bananas, grapes, melons, oranges—there’s just all kinds of fruits at the buffet. There is also all kinds of meats, salads,and breads. Then there are the sweets—cakes, pies, and many types of pastries. Adam tells me that these boys have never seen or...
On the Move

On the Move

FLIGHT I’m somewhere high over the Atlantic, on my way to Chad via Paris. It’s my thirteenth such trip, the first one being in 2005, which seems a lifetime away. I’ve been staring at a blank document for over an hour, not knowing what to say. It...
Bumps on the Road, but Here We Go!

Bumps on the Road, but Here We Go!

Our arrival to N’Djamena (NDJ) did not start off perfectly. One bag decided not to come with us. I’m not sure if it stayed in LA or in Paris. It has soccer gear, some of our tech stuff, and some books for a special library. I am sure that it will join us...
First Steps to Darfur United

First Steps to Darfur United

The flight to France, despite it’s length was pretty easy going…apart from the over zealous pilot hitting the runway in Paris at top speed and waking up some of the plane’s passengers from their slumber with an early morning shock! The second leg was plain sailing. I...