[VIDEO] Darfur United 2014, On-the-Road Update

[VIDEO] Darfur United 2014, On-the-Road Update

Darfur United 2014, On-the-Road Update from i-ACT on Vimeo. The i-ACT team heads back to camp Djabal to visit the Darfur United players. Here’s an update from Gabriel, with Sara-Christine behind the camera, of what’s up the road. For more,...
The Little Things

The Little Things

Editor’s note: This was originally posted on littleripples.org by i-ACT Director and Co-Founder Gabriel Stauring. I just ate some crackers with peanut butter and jelly. I used to eat that a lot as a kid, but I don’t think I have ever enjoyed it so much as...
We Make it to Camp Djabal and Reunite with Adam

We Make it to Camp Djabal and Reunite with Adam

Editor’s Notes: Originally posted by Gabriel Stauring on iactivism.org. No matter how tiring and stressful a day might have been, it will always be considered a good day—if it also included meeting up with Adam. I woke up before 4am and had to get mentally ready...
A Refugee Soccer Team to World Cup in Sweden!?

A Refugee Soccer Team to World Cup in Sweden!?

I seem to say this a lot related to our i-ACT work but…here we go again! We are ready to go full-force in what would appear to be another challenging, some would say “close to impossible,” journey: Darfur United, an all refugee team from remote camps...
Clap Along to Darfur Refugee Soccer

Clap Along to Darfur Refugee Soccer

Clap Along to Darfur Refugee Soccer from i-ACT on Vimeo. Turn up the sound and get ready to clap along, watching Guisma and her brothers experience the joy of play. Their family has experienced extreme suffering and hardship, with siblings killed and dying of disease....