

Next week, members of the i-ACT team depart for Darfur refugee camps to help teach #tools4peace through Darfur United and Little Ripples. Our team will be Gabriel Stauring, i-ACT Project Coordinator Sara-Christine Dallain, and Darfur United Coach Ambassador Rachael Rapinoe. Be part of this exciting journey! Follow along on our trip blog here. We will also be posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Follow, reply, and comment by using the hashtag #tools4peace.

Meeting a New Friend and Travel Buddy

Meeting a New Friend and Travel Buddy

We met with Ramadan Bechir Ramadan, the official from the Chadian refugee agency (CNARR) who will be going with us to Iraq. After finding ourselves a translator and then getting through some initial “business” negotiations, he graciously offered assistance...