by Sara-Christine | Nov 25, 2013
It’s Thanksgiving this week (where did the time go!?), and in light of our day of thanks, this morning I’m reflecting on something that I’m extremely grateful for everyday: My option to choose. During i-ACT 17, we had the opportunity to interview mothers of Little...
by Rachael Rapinoe | Nov 3, 2013
After three hard days of training, we were finally able to narrow our selection to four fantastic coaches. Two of them we knew from the beginning were strong leaders and possessed all the right characteristics for the job, however the last two shined more so on the...
by Rachael Rapinoe | Nov 3, 2013
After three hard days of training, we were finally able to narrow our selection to four fantastic coaches. Two of them we knew from the beginning were strong leaders and possessed all the right characteristics for the job, however the last two shined more so on the...
by Rachael Rapinoe | Nov 1, 2013
Darfur United Soccer Academy Candidates from i-ACT on Vimeo. Wow this camp has a very different feeling from the previous refugee camp, Goz Amer. The moment we arrived yesterday we were all greeted with massive smiles, laughs and genuine happiness for our arrival....