Darfuri Pride and Determination: DU’s Moubarag

Darfuri Pride and Determination: DU’s Moubarag

On World Refugee Day, I need to thank Moubarag and the grit, determination, and spirit that he embodies as a representative of the people of Darfur. Moubarag first tried out for the Darfur United squad that traveled to Iraq in 2012. From the moment I saw him, standing...
Thank you CONIFA for Uniting the World

Thank you CONIFA for Uniting the World

This is a heartfelt thank you to ConIFA’s amazing staff and team.  They are a hardworking group who built bridges between people, nations, ethnicities and isolated regions all over the world through friendship and the joy of playing soccer.   At the...
Thank You for Being Relentless

Thank You for Being Relentless

This blog was originally posted on iactivism.org DARFUR UNITED is not just a soccer/football team, but it’s the real Darfur voice, and a credit to the people of Darfur, and we are heroes looking for dreams, for a chance to represent every Darfuri that has been a...