

Next week, members of the i-ACT team depart for Darfur refugee camps to help teach #tools4peace through Darfur United and Little Ripples. Our team will be Gabriel Stauring, i-ACT Project Coordinator Sara-Christine Dallain, and Darfur United Coach Ambassador Rachael Rapinoe. Be part of this exciting journey! Follow along on our trip blog here. We will also be posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Follow, reply, and comment by using the hashtag #tools4peace.

Darfur United Coach Ambassador: Rachael Rapinoe!

Darfur United Coach Ambassador: Rachael Rapinoe!

My name is Rachael Rapinoe, owner of Rapinoe Soccer Camps and retired women’s professional soccer player. I’ve spent my entire life learning and trying to master the beautiful game of futbol, and now I am lucky enough to teach this knowledge to others. I...
Let’s Move Beyond

Let’s Move Beyond

When I mention my work with i-ACT and our efforts to get the Darfur United Soccer Academy established in the refugee camps for children and youth, people often respond with, “Wow, cool” and then, “but why soccer when there are so many other needs in the camps?” Well,...

Update: Captian Souleyman!

I’m back in Camp Goz Amer on i-ACT 14 and I ran into Darfur United team captain, Souleyman. He’s so excited to hear that Darfur United will continue competing internationally and that the DU Soccer Academy is coming together. Please help support the...