iACT Trip Report Available!

iACT Trip Report Available!

Last week, iACT team members Gabriel Stauring and Sara-Christine Dallain completed iACT’s 24th trip to eastern Chad and the organization’s first visit to refugee sites in Cameroon. It was a momentous trip for iACT and we’re excited to share the highlights,...
Camp Kounoungou

Camp Kounoungou

Kounoungou is the first refugee camp I ever visited, back in 2005. I’ve been here again a few times since. It is bigger each visit. To all of the children that have been born here, Darfur is barely a mirage—something their parents tell stories and teachers sing...
Running Around in Squares

Running Around in Squares

Playing sports and exercising can provide a powerful feeling of freedom and strength. How many of you have not felt that special rush, after miles of running or during an intense competitive game of ball? Today I went for a run here at the UNHCR compound. I ran around...
Darfur United Announces Fifteen Player Roster

Darfur United Announces Fifteen Player Roster

Hermosa Beach residents help young refugee men that escaped violence in Darfur as children have a chance to represent their homeland before the world For Immediate Release April 13, 2012 U.S. Contact: Katie-Jay Scott (310) 738-0285 ktj@iactivism.org Refugee Camp...

Soccer at Dawn

The players and coaches must wake before sunrise for tryouts to avoid the midday heat. Every morning there’s a stillness that seems to break all at once as the camp comes to life. Over the past few days, the Darfur United hopefuls have joined that cycle. They...