by Mark Hodson | Jun 4, 2012
“We’ve already won……we’ve already won……We’re Darfur United and we’ve already won!” It’s 4am…Game day…I can’t sleep! Tonight we play our first ever “official game.” Indeed Darfur’s first ever game, and it is in the VIVA World Cup, in a real football stadium against the...
by Katie-Jay | Jun 2, 2012
The team has arrived in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, and they are practicing with Coach Mark and Coach Ben. Their first game will be on June 4 at midnight against North Cyprus. Leave a message below, and Gabriel will share your message with the team before they take the...
by Gabriel | May 27, 2012
Playing sports and exercising can provide a powerful feeling of freedom and strength. How many of you have not felt that special rush, after miles of running or during an intense competitive game of ball? Today I went for a run here at the UNHCR compound. I ran around...