The goal of kicking-off the Darfur United Soccer Academy in Camp Mile in January 2013 is quickly approaching! In order to garner more support, we’ve been reaching out to local businesses in our community, and we’re asking you to do the same!

Here’s the idea:

  • Print out the two PDF’s presented on this post to bring with you.

  • With the PDF’s in hand, visit 3 to 5 businesses in your community that you think might have an interest in supporting soccer programs for Darfur refugee children.
  • Instead of asking for a direct donation, ask the business if they’d be willing to display a “Dollars for Darfur” flyer at their register. This flyer asks customers to add just $1 to their purchase in order to support the DU Academy.
  • The business has the option to match the total amount of $1 donations.
  • At the end of December 2012, you collect the funds from the store or a check can be mailed to i-ACT.
  • In return, i-ACT will be sure to make public announcements about your effort and the stores support on Facebook, twitter and our website and blog.

It’s an easy concept, but the support will go a very long way! Plus stores are already proving to love the DU Academy program. This weekend I visited five soccer and sports stores around Los Angeles and the DU Academy program was well received!

Please contact me at if you’re interested in helping us, or if you have any questions or ideas! Also, I’d be happy to send you more information about DU Academy!

Let’s make it happen team!


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