by Sara-Christine | Jun 12, 2013
When I mention my work with i-ACT and our efforts to get the Darfur United Soccer Academy established in the refugee camps for children and youth, people often respond with, “Wow, cool” and then, “but why soccer when there are so many other needs in the camps?” Well,...
by Katie-Jay | Sep 4, 2012
We received this message from DU Captain Souleyman: Hello founder of darfur united! I am very proud to write or to send message to you. How are you, and how are you doing, and how is Katie-Jay with her kids and how is Leila and and all your family there? I hope you...
by Gabriel | Jun 18, 2012
Hanging out with the Darfur United players, it was easy to forget where they came from and what they have gone through. They are the kindest and most joyful group you’ll ever meet. There were moments, though, when their past came rushing back into the present....
by Gabriel | Jun 10, 2012
Ten Things I’ve Learned Somewhere Between the USA, Chad, and Iraq 1. People can rebuild from horrible suffering and maintain their humanity—and sense of humor. 2. You show you care, you earn trust, then you can push them as hard as is needed, and they respond....