

Usually there is an understanding of patient – therapist confidentiality. What is said during physical therapy treatment is of utmost secrecy. This is not so on the tratement table of Darfur United. They want the world know about Darfur and they need us to be...
Balancing the Scales of Expectation

Balancing the Scales of Expectation

Following our debut in international football, we were given a 24hr window before our 2nd outing on the world stage. Not surprisingly, our second opponents were another strong outfit who now had the challenge beating the margin of victory set by the Northern Cypriots...
We’ve Already Won

We’ve Already Won

“We’ve already won……we’ve already won……We’re Darfur United and we’ve already won!” It’s 4am…Game day…I can’t sleep! Tonight we play our first ever “official game.” Indeed Darfur’s first ever game, and it is in the VIVA World Cup, in a real football stadium against the...

Sound Off 3: Sulieman Reflects on the Journey

Sulieman, a natural leader on and off the field, reflects on the true meaning behind Darfur United and the impact of the previous eight weeks of training. The team is more than 16 people playing football (soccer), it is a family that has united camps, tribes, and...
From Tent to Five-Star

From Tent to Five-Star

Sixteen young men, all refugees from Darfur now living in camps close to the Chad-Sudan border, will be traveling with us to Iraqi Kurdistan to compete in an international soccer tournament, the Viva World Cup. There’s nobody around to pinch me. Those sixteen...